g Abodes - Using a novel image-processing technique, astronomers have discovered a new extrasolar planet by looking back through archived data from the Hubble Space Telescope. The new technique could help identify additional planets hidden in over a decade's worth of Hubble data currently available. See article.
g Life - At the end of the Permian Age, 250 million years ago, about 90 percent of all animals and plants on land became extinct. Now, a team of scientists has proposed a new theory as to what caused the largest known mass extinction in history, and it all comes down to giant salt lakes. See article.
g Intelligence - Scientists at the United Kingdom's Cambridge and Aberystwyth universities have created a "robot scientist" that they believe is the first automaton to make its own scientific discoveries. See article.
g Learning - Astrobiology, the study of life in the Solar System and beyond, is a relatively new field that seeks to answer a very old and fundamental question: where did we come from? The subject encompasses such diverse topics as the creation of the basic building blocks of life and the development of an environment that allowed life to flourish here on Earth. It touches on astronomy, geology, geophysics, atmospheric science, chemistry and biology — a challenge for any author. See article.
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