g Stars - A new finding indicates that not all massive, luminous galaxies formed shortly after the Big Bang. The study could yield new information about the origin and evolution of galaxies. See article.
g Abodes - The so-called Vegetation Red-Edge is a characteristic of vegetation spectra, and can therefore be used as a biomarker if it can be detected in an unresolved extrasolar Earth-like planet integrated reflectance spectrum, researchers say. See article.
g Intelligence - Quote of the Day: "Empty space is like a kingdom, and earth and sky are no more than a single individual person in that kingdom./Upon one tree are many fruits, and in one kingdom there are many people./How unreasonable it would be to suppose that, besides the earth and the sky which we can see, there are no other skies and no other earths." - Teng Mu, a Chinese scholar of the Sung Dynasty (960-1280 A.D.)
g Cosmicus - From a planetary security perspective, we can theoretically safeguard our species by expanding out in our own system with space-based habitats and possibly terraforming as options. The question then remains: What is it that drives the push to interstellar flight? See article.
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Hi Mr. Ryan Anderson !
I was glad to find your astronomy site http://alienlifeblog.blogspot.com/ as I was wandering through the blogosphere of Astronomy. Since I also share the astronomy field (I am an amateur astronomer from Sri Lanka), I could literally obtain a great knowledge from your pages. I appreciate the time and efforts that you have taken to build up the blog into such a higher standard.
I am happy to inform you that I also maintain an astronomy blog, especially dedicated to IYA 2009 at http://iya2009sl.blogspot.com. I update the periodic IYA 2009 and astronomy happenings in Sri Lanka in addition to providing visitors a worldwide scope on IYA 2009 and Astronomy news.
In order to provide my visitors more information and knowledge, I decided to connect with your valuable and resourceful blog http://alienlifeblog.blogspot.com/ Therefore I want to get your permission to put your link on my blog.
Meantime I would be obliged if you could put a link from your blog to my blog in return. This will also let me to have more audience at the same time.
As I mentioned above my link is http://iya2009sl.blogspot.com and I'm waiting for your reply to be informed about the issue.
Thank you very much for your time amidst busy schedules.
I take this opportunity to wish you all the best for your career and future endeavors!
Yours sincerely,
J D Prasanna Deshapriya
Sorry for mistaking the name since I actually don't know your name at the moment. I sincerely beg your pardon.
Hi Desh,
I'm delighted that you'd like to link to my blog, and I will be certain to take a look at yours. It's an exciting time to be alive in the field of astrobiology and astronomy - pardon my Eurocentrism, but it's akin to the Portuguese making their first trips down the African coast in search of the Orient ... any day now, we're going to sail across the Atlantic and discover any entirely new world.
The name is Rob; go to http://inventingreality.4t.com/about.html for more about me.
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