g Stars - In a galaxy filled with billions of stars, scientists searching for alien life need some way to pick out those which are most likely to harbor habitable planets and moons. For more than 150 years, an important tool in this screening process has been the concept of a "circumstellar habitable zone." See article. Note: This article is from 2006.
g Abodes - Astronomers have discovered why some distant solar systems don't contain as many planets as expected. Some extrasolar planets may have been destroyed after falling into their parent stars. The research is helping astrobiologists understand how planetary systems form and evolve. See article.
g Life - In searching for unusual alien life on Earth, and life that can survive on Mars, scientists are experimenting with bacterial life forms to see if they can withstand extreme environments. See article.
g Learning - A NASA Web site featuring Montana State University's astrobiology research has been honored as one of the top science sites on the Internet. See article.
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