g Stars - It’s long been believed that cosmic dust was first produced by supernovae, becoming the essential building block for the formation of planets. New work using the Spitzer Space Telescope suggests a second mechanism that complements the first. So-called “carbon stars”, stars late in their lives and similar to red giants but containing more carbon than oxygen, may have played as significant a role as supernovae themselves. See article.
g Abodes - Two identical NASA spacecraft are entering a location in space where the gravity of the sun and Earth combine to form gravitational wells where asteroids gather. These points could hold asteroids left over from a Mars-sized planet that formed billions of years ago, and then collided with the Earth to form our moon. See article.
g Cosmicus - Will humanity likely explore the galaxy from home or will at least a small number of humans will find the means to make the long journey, but perhaps not in ways we often imagine? See article.
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