g Stars - The atmosphere of the sun blazes clearly in a new image from NASA that combines observations from Earth and space during the only total solar eclipse of this year. See article.
g Abodes - Recent discoveries of gas giant planets in unusual orbits challenge the generally accepted theory of planet formation. While these discoveries do not disprove the theory, they have opened our eyes to chaotic solar systems quite unlike our own. See article.
g Life - A new study shows that the transition from unicellular to multicelluar organisms may not have been as difficult as previously thought. The evolution of multicelluar organisms was one of the most pivotal steps in the history of life on Earth. See article.
g Message - Science fiction author David Brin offers a copy of his 1983 article “Xenology: The Science of Asking Who’s Out There”. While two decades old, the information is still relevant and offers a good overview of fundamental astrobiological questions.
g Cosmicus - For the past half century we have witnessed a golden age of solar system exploration unfold: flybys of all the major planets, followed by orbiters, and on selected worlds, landers. So where do we go from here? See article.
g Imagining - Despite years of “The X Files” and Fox specials, the public seems less prone to believe that aliens are visiting Earth. See article. This article is from 2005.
g Aftermath - There’s a neat transcription of a video conference interview with Dr. Frank Drake (whose famous equation this site is organized after), conducted by the class members of Penn State’s "Space Colonization” class. Drake touches on a variety of SETI topics, including the philosophical implication of extraterrestrial contact. The interview took place in 2001.
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