g Abodes - Complex interactions between Saturn and its satellites have led to a comprehensive model that could explain how oxygen may end up on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan. The presence of these oxygen atoms could provide the basis for pre-biological chemistry. See article.
g Life - Primitive life left its mark on Earth by transforming rocks, creating patterns and minerals only formed in the presence of life. See article.
g Intelligence - When they taught together at Harvard in the late 1990s, psychologist Daniel Simons and his student Christopher Chabris got an idea for a new experiment testing how the brain processes visual information. Their 60-second test was outrageously simple: it required only that you watch people passing basketballs. See article.
g Message - The search for extraterrestrial life need not be limited to the government or scientists. Don’t believe it? Then check out this Web site, “Amateur SETI: Project BAMBI (Bob and Mike’s Big Investment)”, which describes the design and construction of a 4 GHz amateur radio telescope dedicated to SETI.
g Cosmicus - An unmanned probe riding a solar sail through space has felt its first accelerating push from sunlight in a successful test of its novel propulsion system, Japan's space agency has announced. See article.
g Aftermath - Visitors from other worlds – should any appear – would be enormously ahead of us from a technological viewpoint. The same is true for any aliens we might tune in with our SETI experiments. See article. This article is from 2000.
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