g Stars - In our hectic world, we seldom have time enough for life: time for family, time for friends, or time for the pleasures of life. In studying the universe, Astrobiologists face a different problem: which stars might provide time enough for life? The answer depends on the life of the star. It may seem odd to speak of the life of a star, but stars go through processes akin to birth, maturity, and even death. It is the pacing of those stages in a stars life that determine whether biological life has a chance on an orbiting planet. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g Abodes - The general rule for planetary stability in two-star systems is that the axis ratios should be greater than 3-to-1. This means that if two stars that orbit each other are fairly far apart, a planet could orbit one or the other at a distance of less than one-third their separation. See article. Note: This article is from 2001.
g Message - A number of searches for extraterrestrial intelligence actually have occurred, are ongoing and are planned. Here’s one of the more famous ones: See Project BETA, at Harvard University.
g Cosmicus - Officials at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announce that a new robotic telescope has just seen its “first light” at the La Silla Observatory complex, in Chile. The TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) is especially designed to study exoplanetary systems, as in stars and their respective planets and moons that lie outside of our solar system. There are some chances that some of these worlds may have the necessary conditions for supporting some forms of life, and researchers are hopeful that investigating them may help advance the field of astrobiology. See article.
g Aftermath - To create interstellar messages that have a realistic chance of being understood across interstellar distances, we need to identify some information shared by humans and extraterrestrials. We need to identify a foundation for establishing a universal language that will let us bridge the gap between our world and theirs, all without the convenience of face-to-face contact. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.
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