g Abodes - New findings challenge a theory that the cooling period known as the Younger Dryas was caused by an impact. What was previously thought to be geologic evidence of intense heating at the time has now been shown to be fossilized balls of fungus, charcoal and fecal pellets. See article.
g Life - A team of scientists has succeeded in identifying one of the most complex organic molecules yet found in the interstellar medium. The findings will help astrobiologists understand the production of organic molecules in space and how these molecules could have played a role in the origin of life on Earth. See article.
g Message - It's a risky long shot that burns up money and might never, ever pay off. So is searching for intelligent creatures on unseen worlds worth the candle? After all, aren't there better ways to use our monies and technical talents than trying to find something that's only posited to exist: sentient beings in the dark depths of space? See article. Note: This article is from 2007.
g Cosmicus - As NASA's space shuttle fleet draws close to retirement, aerospace juggernaut Boeing is hard at work developing a new capsule-based spaceship to fly people to and from the International Space Station. See article.
g Learning - "How can I become a SETI scientist and find ET?" Students are excited by the SETI searches and want to participate. Diverse academic pathways lead to career as a scientific sleuth seeking evidence for ET. Most of the time, students assume that they should train as scientists. True, but this is only one avenue to working on major scientific research projects. See article. This article is from 2001.
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