g Abodes - A new discovery at Enceladus could have implications for the potential for life on the Saturnian moon. Researchers have found that the large plume of water spurting from the moon is likely fed by a salty, subsurface ocean. See article.
g Life - The Evogrid is a proposed computerized version of the primordial soup. Digitally simulating virtual particles could help answer the question of how life originated on Earth, and perhaps even spread life to other worlds. See article.
g Learning - Water. It's essential for life as best we know it. Almost three-fourths of the Earth is covered with water. We live on the pale blue dot, and our lives depend fundamentally on water. Yet, just after Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, the surface was mostly dry. "So, where did the water come from?" asked a high school teacher this morning at the Astrobiology Summer Science Institute for Teachers here at San Francisco State University. It's a good question that his students are very likely to ask as they study the evolution of our planetary system. See article. Note: This article is from 2004.
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