g Stars - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star GJ 251?
g Abodes - More than 100 planets have been found outside the solar system. Some astronomers think there may be planets around up to half the stars in our galaxy alone — that's 50 billion possible planetary systems. Click here for a series of BBC reports on planet hunting.
g Cosmicus - NASA recounts the momentous events of July 1969, when humankind first set foot on another world. Apollo 11 was a seminal step in advancing human life beyond planet Earth. See article.
g Imagining - In a few weeks, a new movie about extraterrestrial life will be in the theatres again. So why is there such a strong human fascination with extraterrestrials? See article.
g Aftermath - Could Martian research samples carry diseases? Certainly this is an issue for the first time we make contact with extraterrestrial life, whether it is intelligent or microbial. See article. Note: This article is from 2004.
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