g Abodes - In "The Medea Hypothesis," author and University of Washington professor Peter Ward presents an alternative to the "good mother earth" Gaia hypothesis — that life on Earth is inherently predatory and self-destructive. See article.
g Intelligence - Free will, or at least the place where we decide to act, is sited in a part of the brain called the parietal cortex, new research suggests. See article.
g Cosmicus - NASA's Spizter Space Telescope is about to finish its primary missions after more than five and a half years. Spitzer has made many important discoveries, from studying galaxies to direct observations of extrasolar planets. Although its primary mission is over, Spitzer will continue to return valuable data for astrobiologists here on Earth. See article.
g Imagining - The students of Prof. Joan Slonczewski, who taught “Biology 103: Biology in Science Fiction” at Kenyon College in 2003, using astrobiological principles, attempted to create a number of plausible alien civilizations and worlds as a class project. Here’s one about the life in the ecosystem of planet Ralinius. See article.
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