g Abodes - Scientists have been studying a unique undersea volcano that appears to be continuously active and supports unique biological communities. The site, dubbed NW Rota-1, is located near the Island of Guam and is helping astrobiologists understand how life can thrive under extreme conditions in the depths of the oceans. See article.
g Life - By studying how mussels adapt to acidic waters near underwater volcanoes, scientists are gaining a better understanding of how climate change could affect the ecology of Earth's oceans. Increasing carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is leading to acidic water in the oceans, which could result in dramatic consequences for life as we know it. See article.
g Imagining - In Ridley Scott's 1979 slimy monster masterpiece "Alien," the extraterrestrial life form discovered by Sigourney Weaver and crew goes through two startlingly different phases after it hatches. Is such a change during the life of an animal mere sci fi license? Not really. In fact, many earthlings go through similar drastic changes in form. See article. Note: This article is from 2001.
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