Wednesday, October 03, 2012

App lets you see which stars SETI is listening to

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Abodes - A new study is reinforcing claims that the asteroid Vesta has a layered interior - a quality usually found only in planets and large moons. See article.
g Life - A new study is providing insights into how living organisms use different mechanisms to adapt to their surroundings. The study focuses on two microorganisms that use different techniques to cope with uranium toxicity in their environments. See article.
g Message - First Light Design (Distant Suns) has released version 3.4 of its comprehensive, award-winning Distant Suns Astronomy App for iPad and iPhone - featuring the ability to see the star systems that are being monitored in real-time by the SETI Institute for possible signs of extraterrestrial life. Whenever SETI Institute's Allen Telescope Array near Mt Lassen in Northern California is operating, Distant Suns will indicate where the radio telescope's dishes are pointing. The update also includes the ability to show a star's numerical magnitude as well as its Bayer numbers in Greek and Latin, a new detailed, texture map of Mercury, a new Milky Way image, as well as a few bug fixes. See article.

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