Monday, May 21, 2012

Billions of planets hospitable to life and potentially hazardous asteroids in our solar system

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Abodes - All told, there may be billions of planets hospitable to life in the Milky Way galaxy alone, dozens of them much closer to Earth than previously suspected, several new star surveys and statistical studies suggest. See article.
g Intelligence - Exercise clears the mind. It gets the blood pumping and more oxygen is delivered to the brain. This is familiar territory, but Dartmouth's David Bucci thinks there is much more going on. See article.
g Cosmicus - New observations are helping scientists assess the number of potentially hazardous asteroids in our solar system. These asteroids include those big enough to make it through the Earth's atmosphere and cause damage on regional or greater scales. See article.

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