Saturday, March 03, 2012

How future mission to Enceladus could study this water for signs of life and our gold-plated message to ETI

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Abodes - The Cassini mission has confirmed the presence of active jets of water ice that erupt from Saturn's moon, Enceladus. Scientists are looking at the ways in which a future mission to Enceladus could study this water for signs of life. See article.
g Life - Researchers have demonstrated how a flatworm overcomes the ageing process. See article.
g Message - A 12-inch gold plated copper disk containing recorded sounds and images representing human cultures and life on Earth — intended for extraterrestrial eyes and ears — is traveling about the galaxy. See article.

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