Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Abodes - Experiments prompted by a 2008 surprise from NASA´s Phoenix Mars Lander suggest that soil examined by NASA´s Viking Mars landers in 1976 may have contained carbon-based chemical building blocks of life. The findings could make a difference in how astrobiologists search for signs of past or present life on the red planet. See article.
g Intelligence - Microbes on Mars might be impressive, but the average Earthling would really be wowed by news of a full-blown, advanced civilization on a planet beyond our own. What’s the likelihood that such a civilization exists in our galaxy? Explore the arguments, then take our poll: Do you believe ET is out there, capable of phoning home? See article.
g Cosmicus - Now on its way to Jupiter, NASA's Juno spacecraft has taken time to capture images of Earth and the Moon. See article.
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