Wednesday, August 03, 2011

SETI to examine 2321 exoplanetary candidates and ‘Star Trek’ biology

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation.Here's today's news:
g Abodes - A new study shows that nearly half of Earth's heat comes from the radioactive decay of materials inside the planet. See article.
g Message - The SETI Institute is using the ATA to examine the 2321 exoplanetary candidates announced by the Kepler Mission. You can help by visiting this site.
g Imagining - Book alert: Get thee to a used bookstore if you haven’t read “Life Signs: The Biology of Star Trek,” by Susan and Robert Jenkins. The Jenkinses focus on the biological logic (or illogic) behind the alien ecologies in Star Trek — the original TV series and all of its sequels and movie spinoffs. The best parts are the biological bloopers, even though only a fan will truly appreciate them. For instance, how did the Klingons evolve forehead ridges between the original and the new series ... and why do all the planets look like California? The science in the book helps the authors hypothesize about how humanoid life might have evolved throughout the universe (panspermia revisited). They offer simple evolutionary theories to explain the various head shapes and behaviors of fictional alien species. See article.

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