Monday, March 14, 2011

SETI in our home and primate aging

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Abodes - ESA's Mars Express has returned new images of an elongated impact crater in the southern hemisphere of Mars. Located just south of the Huygens basin, it could have been carved out by a train of projectiles striking the planet at a shallow angle. See article.
g Life - Fossil records verify a long-standing theory that horses evolved through natural selection, according to groundbreaking research by two anatomy professors. See article.
g Intelligence - Humans aren't the only ones who grow old gracefully, says a new study of primate aging patterns. See article.
g Message - Want to help SETI discover alien life? If you haven’t already done so, download the free SETI at Home software. Using Internet-connected computers, the program downloads and analyzes radio telescope data on your desktop when it is idle. The program has been so successful in plowing through data that other scientific researchers, especially in medicine, are adopting it to their fields. See article.

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