g Stars - A variety of new findings point to the "habitable zones" where we're likely to find extraterrestrials. See article. This article is from 2009.
g Abodes - For the first time ever, a scientist has measured the strength of the magnetic field inside Earth's core, some 1,800 miles underground. See article.
g Life - A major new fossil site in southwest China has filled in a sizeable gap in our understanding of how life on this planet recovered from the greatest mass extinction of all time, according to a new paper. See article.
g Intelligence - Researchers at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory report for the first time how animals' knowledge obtained through past experiences can subconsciously influence their behavior in new situations. See article.
g Message - Since SETI first became a subject for serious scientific research, scientists have come up with many possible ways to detect the presence of other civilizations by searching our part of the galaxy for signs of artificially created signals. Using many different kinds of detection equipment and novel concepts, investigators labored away in their electronics laboratories and observatories dreaming, that one day, the signs they had been searching for would be found. See article.
g Cosmicus - NASA’s IceBite team was in Antarctica this month to test a new drill for use on a possible future mission to Mars. In this entry of their expedition blog, Margarita Marinova describes preparations for the trip to remote University Valley. Team member Andrew Jackson writes about his focus on perchlorate, a compound also in the soil of Mars. See article.
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