g Stars - An international team of scientists led by Rutgers University astrophysicists has discovered 10 new massive galaxy clusters from a large, uniform survey of the southern sky. The survey was conducted using a breakthrough technique that detects "shadows" of galaxy clusters on the cosmic microwave background radiation, a relic of the "big bang" that gave birth to the universe. See article.
g Abodes - An asteroid crashing into the deep ocean could have dramatic worldwide environmental effects including depleting the Earth's protective ozone layer for several years, a Planetary Science Institute researcher has found. See article.
g Life - Researchers could use a novel "on-off switch" to control cell growth or death, grow new tissue or deliver doses of medication directly to diseased cells, a researcher says. See article.
g Message - The SETI@Home project is down while database servers are being remodeled. See article.
g Cosmicus - The director of NASA's Ames Research Center in California casually let slip mention of the 100-Year Starship recently, a new program funded by the super-secret government agency, DARPA. In a talk at San Francisco's Long Conversation conference, Simon “Pete” Worden said DARPA has $1M to spend, plus another $100,000 from NASA itself, for the program, which will initially develop a new kind of propulsion engine that will take us to Mars or beyond. See article.
g Learning - Some of the world's top scientists gathered at the Vatican last weekend to discuss the scientific advances of the 20th century and their compatibility with religion. See article.
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