g Abodes - Jupiter’s moon Europa, about the size of Earth’s Moon, is thought to have an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy surface, making it a possible environment for life. Two of the necessary ingredients for life, liquid water and appropriate biogenic elements, are now thought to exist at Europa. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g Life - Book alert: Our approach to the search for life in the universe is highly influenced by our knowledge of life at home on Earth. In “Life: How to Make a Cosmic Omelet, The DNA Files” looked at the ways in which genetic tools have helped define life as we know it, from bacteria found in a boiling hot spring in Yellowstone National Park to microbes found frozen (and alive!) in the Arctic.
g Cosmicus - New photographs of the former Soviet Union's Lunokhod 2 rover on the moon, which is owned by an American millionaire, is causing a legal stir over who can own what on the lunar surface. See article.
g Learning - An amateur astronomer has made a "major astronomical discovery" while accessing a telescope in Hawaii over the internet while at work in the UK. See article.
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