g Abodes - Quartz-rich deposits that formed below the upper temperature limit of life could preserve chemical and morphological fossil records if life emerged on Mars. See article.
g Cosmicus - NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is now taking suggestions from the public on which sights to photograph on the Martian surface. MRO has returned an immense amount of data for astrobiologists trying to understand the past habitability of Mars, and now members of the public have a chance to participate in further exploration of the red planet. See article.
g Learning - Over and over again at a recent science conference, teachers remarked that their students are always asking about SETI and astronomy. Kids have a keen interest in astronomy, space sciences, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. What's out there? Are we alone? See article.
g Imagining - While I’m researching our next alien, browse the local used bookstores for this volume, which examined the scientific plausibility of many alien creatures in “Star Trek”: “To Seek Out New Life: The Biology of Star Trek.” Published a few years ago, Athena Andreadis' book makes a good read, boosted by her background as a molecular biologist and neurosurgeon. See review.
g Aftermath - R = Q x - Astronomer Ivan Almar suggests the brief formula above might help scientists decide how to tell the world that we are not alone in the universe. See article.
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