g Stars - A group of astronomers looking to better understand dark energy have started creating a three-dimensional map of the universe. See article.
g Abodes - The Cassini spacecraft spotted plumes of water vapor erupting from the south pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The discovery has set off a heated debate over whether this tiny frigid moon has an ocean beneath the ice. See article.
g Message - The idle processing power of millions of computers, turned to look for a stray signal from billions of stars, now has a target: 150 promising signals to be handled again in a new SETI@home project. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g Learning - Looking for a club to join? Try The SETI League. The league’s site has a lot of great information for everyone from the beginner to accomplished technogeek.
g Aftermath - The issue of stability of conditions prevailing on (at least potentially) habitable planets throughout the galaxy is the central question of the nascent science of astrobiology. We are lucky enough to live in an epoch of great astronomical discoveries, the most distinguished probably being the discovery of dozens of planets orbiting nearby stars. This particular discovery brings about a profound change in our thinking about the universe, and prompts further questions on the frequency of Earth-like habitats elsewhere in the galaxy. In a sense, it answers a question posed since antiquity: are there other, potentially inhabited or inhabitable, worlds in the vastness of space? In asking that question, obviously, we take into account our properties as intelligent observers, as well as physical, chemical, and other pre-conditions necessary for our existence. The latter are the topic of the so-called anthropic principle(s), the subject of much debate and controversy in cosmology, fundamental physics, and philosophy of science. See article.
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