g Stars - A group of scientists believe M dwarf stars shouldn’t be so easily dismissed as havens for extraterrestrial life. See article.
g Abodes - For centuries, man has gazed into space and wondered: "Are we alone?" Now, following a five-year study of Mars, NASA has come up with the most compelling evidence yet to suggest we may not be. For deep below the Martian surface, it seems, something might be stirring. See article.
g Message - When it comes to signaling across space, power is paramount. See article. Note: This article is from 2004.
g Imagining - How realistic are the alien skies seen in science fiction? See article.
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If you want to read a really great political science fiction trilogy, Read RED MARS, GREE MARS and BLUE MARS, all by Kim Stanley Robinson. This novel goes deeply into the terraformation of Mars, and the politics involved in such a venture.
I quite agree. It's definitely one of the best SF series of the 1990s if not the last half of the 20th century. Pamela Sergent also has a series about terraforming Venus, though it's less about the technology and more about the philosophy of such an undertaking.
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