g Stars - What is the habitable zone of the nearby red dwarf Gliese 581, which boasts three planets?
g Abodes - If we ever do find extraterrestrial life in the solar system, it's probably much more likely to look like a few cells than a walking-and-talking green man. Nonetheless, finding any kind of life beyond Earth would be extraordinary. Here are our best hopes.
g Life - The 410 million-year-old skull and jaws of a fish may yield important information about the origin and evolution of vertebrates on Earth. See article.
g Cosmicus - There is fierce debate over the direction humanity should take when exploring the solar system. One argument claims that a “one step at a time” approach is essential, with moon bases being the next key step. See article.
g Learning - Here’s a neat primer (for kids) to understanding extremophiles and how an understanding of them affects astrobiology: “Brave New Biosphere”.
g Aftermath - Freelance writer Mark Pendergrast examines the folly of the Anthropic Principle in a Vermont newspaper op-ed. See article. Note: This column is from 2005.
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I guess that screws the "habitable zone" theory. I don't get why they still teach that in schools. The textbooks we use in school are over six years old!!!
I agree that the textbooks already are outdated, Ryan. In reality, there likely are multiple habitable zones - the Goldilocks zone that we as humans need, moons around gas giants, the coronas of stars (ala Fred Hoyle), etc. for different types of lifeforms.
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