g Stars - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star LHS 292?
g Abodes -Extrasolar planet (exoplanet) discoveries are on the rise, to the point where it is a challenge to keep up with new findings. Those who are interested in keeping up with exoplanet discoveries can turn to free public databases maintained by NASA and other organizations. See article.
g Message - You don't have to leave Earth to find intelligent life on other worlds. All you have to do is tune in ... at the right time ... on the right frequency ... in the right direction ... with the right spectrometer ... using the most powerful supercomputer on this planet. Note: this article is from 2004. See article.
g Cosmicus -The June 26 issue of Nature features a report on the results of underwater research conducted with a pair of NASA Astrobiology-sponsored robotic explorers. See article.
g Aftermath - Scientists such as the SETI Institute’s John Billingham and Jill Tarter have taken the lead in planning for the day we might receive a signal from life beyond Earth. Working with diplomats and space lawyers, they have helped develop protocols that guide the activities of SETI scientists who think they may have detected extraterrestrial intelligence. See article. Note: This story is a couple of years old.