g Stars - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star Gliese 674?
g Abodes -A new study of Martian soil suggests there was once enough water in Mars' atmosphere for a light drizzle to reach the ground. The finding has important implications in understanding the potential for past life on Mars. See article.
g Message - During the early 1980s, David Brin offered an explanation for Fermi’s Paradox, which asked why if extraterrestrial life existed it wasn’t on Earth. Brin’s answer: The Zoo Hypothesis. Here’s a copy of that groundbreaking paper, “The 'Great Silence': The Controversy Concerning Extraterrestrial Life.” See article.
g Cosmicus -A new study offers a simplified technique for detecting biological molecules in Martian rock. The equipment is too large to be put on a rover, but it could be used to analyze samples brought back from Mars. See article.
g Learning -What is an astrobiologist - and how do I become one? See article.
g Aftermath - What affect would the discovery of alien life have on the story-telling genre that inspires the search for it — science fiction? See article.