g Abodes - The search for life beyond the Earth is closely linked with hunting for habitable worlds. Astronomers have always hoped to find planets in the so-called “Goldilocks zone” around their parent stars, where the temperature is just right. See article.
g Message - Throughout the entire history of terrestrial civilization, only four projects involving transmitting of interstellar radio messages have yet been fully developed and realized. Nevertheless, we should understand a simple thing - if all civilizations in the universe are only recipients, and not message-sending civilizations, than no SETI searches make any sense. We present the theory and methodology of composing and transmitting of future IRMs. See article.
g Cosmicus - The desire for space exploration goes far deeper than political ambition or economic drive. It satisfies, in a sense, the basic necessity of a civilization to explore, play and expand outward. Here, Robert Zubrin, author of “Entering Space and The Case for Mars,” talks with Nexus publisher Ravi Dykema about Mars, the human need for exploration and the possibility of a celestial civilization. See article. Note: This article is from 2000.
g Learning - At a conference center in California's Silicon Valley in 2004, an academic field took shape. About 800 scientists, ranging from astronomers to zoologists, gathered to talk about life - how it arose on Earth and where we might find it on other worlds. Mixed in with the scientists are academic publishers, engineers, government bureaucrats, historians, philosophers, television broadcasters, a scholar of Christian ethics, and a sprinkling of others attracted by the intoxicating sweep of this nascent branch of research. Astrobiology, as the field is known, has emerged as a hot topic in the past seven years, ever since NASA began a program using the name, with a budget of $71-million a year. See article.
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