Thursday, January 24, 2008

'1st Theremin Concert for Aliens’ and a space policy regarding off-world development

Welcome! “Alien Life” tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here’s today’s news:
g Abodes - Astronomers may have observed the aftermath of a collision between two distant planets. A strange object orbiting a star 170 light-years away doesn't match any theory for planetary formation, and may have been formed by two protoplanets crashing together. See article.
g Life - A con­tro­ver­sial the­o­ry, sug­gest­ing strange red rains in In­dia six years ago might have con­tained mi­crobes from out­er space, has­n’t died. See article.
g Intelligence - Quote of the Day: "Intelligent life in the Universe is an extraordinary and rare, perhaps even unique, phenomenon. This fact places an especial responsibility on humankind to ensure that this spark of consciousness does not fade away owing to its unwise actions, but instead flares into a blazing bonfire that could be observed even from the remotest regions of our Galaxy." - Iosif S. Shklovskii
g Message - The idea and project of the 1st Theremin Concert for Aliens (stated in the Arecibo Proposal "One-Dimensional Radio Message for Blind Aliens" was not accepted by Arecibo reviewers because of their misgiving that such interstellar radio transmission may be a dangerous affair. See article.
g Cosmicus - With the arrival of a new millennium, activities in outer space should be placed in the service of humanity. Starting in the 21st Century, a space policy regarding off-world development should be valued for their contribution toward improving the quality of life on this planet, as well as in the entire Solar System. To this end, humankind needs to articulate a new global vision and ethos relative to our joint efforts in outer space. As we extend our species into the universe, humanity needs to integrate its visions and philosophies regarding orbital enterprises. Today, the majority of the world’s inhabitants are terrestrially oriented, and do not perceive space, its exploration, utilization, and settlement as central to our well being and continuing evolution. For the first time in human history, we have the opportunity to plan the establishment of space culture. We can begin to make choices. See article.

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