g Stars - A team of international researchers announced today the detection of the farthest space explosion ever recorded, breaking the previous record by 500 million light-years. See article.
g Abodes - Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus is "absolutely" a highlight of the Cassini mission and should be targeted in future searches for life, says the leader of the spacecraft's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team. See article.
g Life - Feathers are a little more complicated than one might think. Here’s a nice overview with great artwork, of a feather’s parts and types.
g Intelligence - By examining how sounds are registered during the process of learning, UC-Irvine neurobiologists have discovered a neural coding mechanism that the brain relies upon to register the intensity of memories based on the importance of the experience. See article.
g Message - Who is SETI scientist Seth Shostak? See article.
g Cosmicus - A breakthrough by a team of British, U.S. and French scientists will help protect astronauts, spacecraft and satellites from radiation hazards experienced in space. Reporting in the journal Nature, the team describe how their study of rare and unusual space storms provided a unique opportunity to test conflicting theories about the behavior of high energy particles in the Van Allen radiation belts - a volatile region 19,000 km above the Earth. See article.
g Learning - Thirty-eight Nobel Prize laureates asked Kansas state educators to reject proposed science standards that treat evolution as a seriously questionable theory, calling it instead the "indispensable'' foundation of biology. See article.
g Imagining - Like first contact stories? Then be sure to read Gordon Dickson’s “The Alien Way” (1965). See article.
g Aftermath - Add one more worry to the computerized world of the 21st century. Could a signal from the stars broadcast by an alien intelligence also carry harmful information, in the spirit of a computer virus? Could star folk launch a "disinformation" campaign -- one that covers up aspects of their culture? Perhaps they might even mask the "real" intent of dispatching a message to other civilizations scattered throughout the Cosmos. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
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