Friday, December 24, 2004

Model rocketry, heading to Titan and would ET vote?

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g Stars – Astronomers have produced some amazing pictures from the Orion constellation thanks to a remarkable new instrument on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope in Hawaii. See article.
g Abodes – We’re closing on Saturn’s most intriguing moon, Titan. Later today, the Huygens probe should detach from the Cassini mother craft. Titan is fascinating because its thick, nitrogen-containing atmosphere is rich in organic compounds and is considered similar to the conditions that existed on Earth when life first evolved more than 3.5 billion years ago. See article.
g Life – Shedding feathers early may enhance sex appeal, a new songbird study shows. See article.
g Intelligence – Among the key factors in the Drake Equation is how long a technological civilization might exist before it destroys itself or falls victim to some major calamity, say an asteroid collision. A recently discovered asteroid that crosses Earth's orbit has been given a higher impact hazard rating than any other seen so far, scientists announced today. Fortunately, they also say the risk likely will be eliminated as further observations refine projections of its orbit. See article.
g Message – There’s an update on the Allen Telescope Array at the SETI Institute’s Web site. See article.
g Cosmicus – A Russian cargo ship carrying badly needed food supplies for a U.S.-Russian crew on the international space station blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome earlier today (see article). It’s sad that this is what our space program has been reduced to.
g Learning – If you need a last minute Christmas idea, here it is: Model rocketry is a great way to get children interested in science and engineering. After buying that starter kit, head to the National Association of rocketry’s outstanding collection of resources for getting started in the hobby and teaching it in school at article.
g Imagining – I’ve mentioned in previous posts that extraterrestrials won’t follow the pattern of Earth vertebrates, especially the facial features of eyes above and mouth below a central nose. So why shouldn’t aliens look like us? See article.
g Aftermath – Would ET vote? What effect will ET’s political philosophy have on ours once contact is made? See article. It’s an older piece but well worth the read.

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